Design and Technology

A Long Whatton designer is creative and uses their imagination to design and make products which effectively meet their desired purpose. They are curious and relish the challenge of exploring the designed and made world in which we all live and work in order to understand more about how and why products are made.
When faced with a challenge, they ask questions to develop an excellent understanding of the problem they are facing and use this knowledge to make suggestions about different ways in which to solve or address the issue. They understand the importance of the end-user and design and make functional products which meet the needs of a wide range of different users.
A Long Whatton designer is prepared for tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. They are independent and creative-thinkers, and accept that the road to success may be littered with challenges and as such, they persevere in achieving their goals. They are skilled in using a range of tools and materials and utilise these skills to produce the best outcome possible for their user.
They are determined in their quest for excellence and understand that no product is perfect. They work individually and collaboratively to evaluate their own and others’ work and suggest improvements with the end-user in mind. A Long Whatton designer utilises their skills from across the curriculum when designing and making products, and understand the important role mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art can have on their final design.
A Long Whatton designer designs and bakes food products with precision and care. They understand the components of a healthy diet and have a passion for healthy cooking.